The simulation shows a population of plants (roughly based on plants in the mustard family). The life cycle is shown, from germination to growth of leaves, buds, flowers, and seedpods. The seedpods eventually drop their seeds, the old plants whither away, and a new population grows. Users can select which plants the seeds for the new generation will be from. This will model the process of evolution of the population by artificial selection (selective breeding). If users do not make selections, the population will anyway evolve through natural selection. Various events will be simulated in which certain plants will be destroyed, leaving other plants to produce seeds for the next generation.

Read more about the processes of natural and artificial selection in this book that inspired the project!


Evolving 1.7 MB
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Now there is a time slider to speed up or slow down

would you be willing to make a fast forward button?

that is the next most important thing we are working on! thanks for playing the game, hopefully soon we will have a slider <3

This is a preliminary version - the natural selection part is not yet implemented here, only artificial selection. And we still have to figure out how to make the plants whither away....(they just disappear)...